Policy & Ethics

The other day, CNN hosted a 7-hour long climate change town hall for the Democratic presidential candidates. This, of course, isn't the only scientific topic of relevance to Americans.
Vaping devices such as e-cigarettes should not be used for fun. Getting oneself addicted to nicotine is not a smart idea. That is why these devices should not be used by non-smokers, particularly young people.
I just got the following email from CVS: "5 Years Ago We Quit Selling Tobacco."
Most scientists would be flattered to have a celebrity endorse an article they wrote. However, if that celebrity is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the endorsement is tantamount to the kiss of death. If RFK, Jr.
Oklahoma's August 26th verdict against Johnson & Johnson was never a question of "if," only "how much." Recently, it's been all the rage to assign blame for today's "opioid crisis," justified or not.
Recently the podcast Radiolab took on the right to be forgotten, a 
Spoiler alert – this is not a discussion of whether anyone should be held liable for Roundup or opioids.
Let me get the controversial, hot-button words out of the way, Trump administration, Roundup, Monsanto. For just a moment, irrespective of which side of the aisle you wish to embrace, put the emotions aside, and consider the following facts.
The University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) has become a strange place.
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