Policy & Ethics

The protection of intellectual property is vital to innovation. If anyone can just take something you created -- be it a song or a drug -- without proper compensation, there would be little reason to develop new things.
Health care is consolidating. The big mergers, like CVS-Aetna or Cigna and Express Scripts, garner headlines but do not be distracted.
There is always talk of the “life-work” balance which assumes that these are, in fact, separate activities. That assumption is also in play when we look at our behavior in those two settings.
#Special to ACSH. Reprinted with permission of Dr. Jeffrey Singer and the Cato Institute. Dr.
The British Parliament is something to behold. And it's not just because of its storied history or the breathtaking neo-Gothic architecture of the Palace of Westminster.
You have to give them credit for getting to the point quickly enough. Dr. Katherine Sleeman and Professor Sir John Strang of King's College in London don't mess around:
Fireworks can be an awful lot of fun on July 4th, but not so much if they blow up in your face. Unfortunately for Surgeon General Dr.
Last month, I wrote an op-ed for USA Today about Yucca Mountain.
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