
I wrote about AstraZeneca’s vaccine problems a little over three weeks ago, mainly about the “unforced errors” in reporting.
In recent months, the mainstream press has been on a crusade against COVID vaccine skepticism, tenaciously promoting science-based medicine and expressing little tolerance for anybody who holds a contrarian opinion.
Before jumping into the study, let’s take a moment to talk about R0, that standard measure of infectious transmission.
The same group of researchers that brought us the understanding of why our hair turns grey has released another study looking at a reason, beyond genetics, for hair loss.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released provisional mortality data[1] by cause, age, and race for 2020 that facilitates assessing “exc
The survey was completed in the San Francisco Bay area, comparing about 3900 randomly selected households and 2500 healthcare workers who are agreed to bi-monthly testing for COVID-19.
AstraZeneca’s (AZ) COVID-19 vaccine was once again a topic of conversation around our writer’s table and perhaps in more than a few executive suites.
Denmark does almost double the testing for COVID-19 than we do in the US, 10% versus about 6%.
Certainly, healthcare workers, and that includes physicians, nurses, all the clinical support staff, and all the infrastructure staff (yes, including administrators), are working in higher-risk conditions.
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