
A PCR test is positive for a limited time, primarily around the time of symptoms, so PCR based data, while definitive, is rarely applied for the asymptomatic and would most likely under-report COVID-19 as we test too far before or after that tempo
Some vaccines are essentially mandatory. If you want your kid to go to public school, then he or she needs to get various jabs. Should the COVID vaccine be one of them?
Throughout the COVID pandemic, many Americans complained that our culture made it far easier for the coronavirus to spread.
Several of our readers have written in to ask us our view of Dr. Merrit. I was initially inclined to share my thoughts directly with those readers rather than give her name and misinformation a larger platform.
Let's pretend that you're a dishonest scientist who wants to fabricate some data for an experiment. Let's further assume that you run an experiment five times and want the average answer to be "10".
The headlines report increasing unexplained deaths, cancers, and heart disease being missed as COVID-19 continues to monopolize our healthcare systems. But what about seasonal flu?
The data set continues to be drawn from Our World in Data and is based on CDC statistics Global
The data causing concern comes from the UK’s Public Health England’s dataset in a report by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). The same data was reviewed by two groups, using different statistical methodologies.
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