
Before jumping into the data, some quick housekeeping. The data set continues to be drawn from Our World in Data and is based on CDC statistics. It remains reliable.
When we are infected with COVID-19 or if you are one of the fortunate few to have been vaccinated, our immune system kicks in. Based upon COVID's typical clinical course and ability to shed or transmit virus, it takes 10-14 days for your immu
The tracker I am using is Our World In Data.
Why microbes kill some people, but not others is probably the hardest question in all of medical microbiology.
While heart disease and diabetes have been touted as among the most frequent co-morbidities, as Dr.
There may be around 200 different viruses that cause the common cold.
Everything mutates. Random changes to the DNA (or, in the case of some viruses like coronavirus, the RNA) occur, and this can create new traits. Some of these traits are advantageous, and natural selection favors them. This is called evolution.
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