
Without a doubt, preparedness for future disasters is primary, but images of deserted streets and highways prompt another take.
Mark Twain famously said, "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
Let’s begin with the data. The researchers used COVID-19 related deaths by county as compiled by Johns Hopkins.
There has been a lot of confusion in regard to possible treatments for COVID-19 and the timeline for the development and deployment of those treatments.
Taken from the UK's Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre - a table from their report, as of April 4th showing the COVID
Let me get you "up to speed" with some context.
Throughout the month of January, the world was gripped by an unfolding drama. Glued to their television sets and social media accounts, people were sharing news stories and punditry, eager to learn of the latest developments.
By Alex Berezow, PhD; Josh Bloom, PhD; Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA; and Thom Golab The conventional wisdom regarding COVID-19 changes every other week.
Mayor Giuliani now thinks he's Dr. Giuliani. His website is offering up two very bad videos on coronavirus and COVID-19.
My generation, the Boomers, are not shy in expressing their opinions, but what about those of us, slightly older, the generation of the Korean war, so “inconsequential” that their name is “The Silent Generation,” lost between the Greatest Gene
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