
In the world of infectious diseases, it is always better to prevent an infection than to treat it. Almost without exception, this means vaccination is the way to go (1). But it's not so easy. Far from it.
About a week ago, the World Health Organization decided that the coronavirus outbreak in China was not substantial enough to be declared a global health emergency.
R0 – How infectious is the virus?
Phillip Orchard is an Analyst with Geopolitical Futures. This article was authored in collaboration with ACSH's Dr. Alex Berezow and originally published at Geopolitical Futures.
“In effect, the broadening clinical experience of managing CVD conditions that manifest differently between women and men, combined with the accumulating data on sex-specific CVD presentations, suggest that cardiovascular pathoph
To be fair, that isn’t the fault of researchers. Marijuana remains classified as a Schedule 1 drug, with no medical indications and a high risk of abuse.
For years, waking up in the morning was a real gamble. Would I have a pounding migraine or wouldn't I?* I remember thinking (sometimes out loud), "What's the point of sleeping if I feel so awful in the morning?"
First, a little background to give the research some context. [1]
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