
There's something irresistible about conspiracy theories.
Oxygen moves in and out of our bloodstream by the passive process of diffusion – higher amounts moving towards lesser amounts in an attempt to equalize.
We have gotten used to trolls and political ideologues spreading misinformation about public health. But it's still a surprise when alleged science journalists do it.
Masks are two-way filters between the environment and your airway; they are a compromise between their ability to filter out particles and your ability to breathe.
Before we jump in, there is one caveat, the medical data surrounding Covid-19, is in flux because we lack standardization of information globally.
We are living in a very scary time.
As with most viral infections, the standard treatment, and this applies to roughly 80% of Covid-19 cases in the aggregate population, is rest, hydration, and symptomatic relief, i.e., antipyretics – medications to reduce fever and antitussive
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
By Alex Berezow, PhD, Josh Bloom, PhD, Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA, and Thom Golab ACSH is being targeted in a purposeful disinformation campaign by two very sketchy yet influential websites.
The coronavirus pandemic we are experiencing today has been contemplated by some of the world’s best scientists for at least the last 30 years.
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