
Being balanced is a complicated “dance” of sensory inputs from our nerves, indicating where there is more or less pressure, the vestibular system’s “little stones,” the otoconia, and our visual system that knows the horizon should be horizontal.
It says something profoundly troubling about the times in which we live that Americans are using a genuine public health crisis to sow division, stir animosity, and score political points. But that's where we find ourselves in 2020.
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures.
The common cold is one of the banes of our existence. No matter how healthy you are, how many vegetables you eat, and how much you exercise, you will not avoid the common cold.
Hey, middle-aged men. You know who you are. Is your prostate the size of a baked yam? Do you dribble like the Harlem Globetrotters? Have you gotten a rent bill for spending so long at a urinal?
David Gura, an MSNBC anchor I've never heard of, apparently has a TV show called "Up." And, like most cable TV show hosts, he has opinions.
You got to love big numbers and what could concern us more than global death tolls; can you say “pandemic?” The World Health Organization tallies the global burden of disease (GBD) and has indicated that 70% is attributable to non-communicable dis
If a new BBC Persian report is accurate, the death toll from coronavirus in Iran is far higher than the official numbers.
"When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"
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