
If the media has a question about biomedical science, one would assume that a scientist or doctor would be the go-to source of information. But this is 2020, and we're way beyond that.
Temperature is one of the standard vital signs, with fever typically indicating the presence of an infection.
First, kudos to the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, who started the movement and had the integrity to see whether the program accomplished its goals.
Ovarian cancer is, thankfully, given its poor prognosis, a rare disease in the US – estimated lifetime risk of 1.5%.
Infectious disease is responsible for a substantial amount of morbidity and mortality around the world.
For patients undergoing aortic valve surgery and looking for the “right” hospital these are more than academic questions. In fact, which hospital is best depends a lot of how long a survival you are looking for.
One month from her 93rd birthday and five feet tall (when standing on a 3" step), my mother does not appear to be especially threatening. Yet, as my family would find out, bioterrorists can come in small packages. 
Over time as our understanding and instrumentation have changed and improved, we have reframed the villain from particulate matter as a whole to its various components.
“The hygiene hypothesis suggests that our immune system works best when it has been exposed to a diversity of foreign others and that population measures of hygiene, such as running water, waste disposal systems have not so much
The researchers made use of a longitudinal survey, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) involving four regions in the Midwest and Eastern US.
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