Policy & Ethics

Americans don't appreciate their government telling them what to do.
In some instances, it was unintentional; in other cases, we ate them down to a protected species. The current plight of the Koala draws our concern; the end of the poliovirus, not so much.
In his Farewell Address, President Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex, a partnership between the military and defense industry that was financially incentivized to promote war over peace.
#Reprinted by permission. Dr. Popovian's original opinion piece can be found here. 
#This article is reprinted with permission of the author and the Cato Institute. The original blog post can be found here. 
The Meaningful Use programs were designed to nudge hospitals and physicians, with carrots and sticks, to digitizing medical records and other aspects of care.
Despite a decade of indisputable evidence that we are not having an "opioid crisis." but rather a "heroin/fentanyl crisis" you might think that people might start to figure this out and act accordingly.
The administration [1] is demanding that hospitals publish the actual price for their services to help the consumer.
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