Policy & Ethics

When I was an undergraduate student, I majored in microbiology and minored in chemistry. And just for kicks, I nearly minored in philosophy, falling just one class short1. But these philosophy classes stuck with me for a lifetime.
# Reprinted with permission from Dr. Shlaes' blog. The original post can be found here.  
Scottish journalist John Mackay published a study of crowd psychology in 1841 that speaks to the human impulse to believe any manner of nonsense if it plays into our emotional needs.  Our minds are made up – don’t bother us with the facts.&nb
Germans don't have a lot of patience for nonsense, often to a fault.
It hasn't been a good year for U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams.
In the fall of 2018, Aetna and CVS merged, joining a health insurer with a large pharmaceutical business. With great excitement, they announced earlier this year their HealthHubs.
What should we make of a scientific journal that has decided that being culturally "woke" is more important than presenting evidence-based reports and opinions? Alas, this is what has become of The Lancet.
Yesterday, the New York Times reported on the administration’s efforts to improve transparency in the science used in making regulatory decisions.
STEM-ming the Slide of Our Educational System
Dr. Jeffrey Singer's piece originally appeared on the Cato Institute website. It is being reprinted with permission. 
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